EbA Good Practice Case Studies

联合国环境署国际生态系统管理伙伴计划 (UNEP-IEMP)

报告作者: EbA South

发布时间: 2019


EbA South project has developed an online database of good practice case studies related to Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA). The aim is to collect, analyse and disseminate good practices that can be shared amongst developing countries. The database is accessible here

The database had been developed according to a set of criteria for case study selection. This analysis is based on the “principles of good practice”, representing critical cross-cutting issues shared by the majority of climate change projects, regardless of focus, scope and scale. They are intended to encourage critical reflection and help project developers and decision-makers draw out relevant lessons. The principles consist of Knowledge building; Community participation and inclusiveness; Political ownership, collaboration and approval; Financial sustainability; Achieving co-benefits and balancing trade-offs; Building local capacities; Transferability; and Monitoring and Evaluation.

The database now comprises 15 case studies with full analysis and additional shorter case studies. The case studies are not interventions supported by the EbA South project; they are projects from which lessons are collated, synthesised and disseminated. All of them are from developing countries, among these 10 from China. All case studies analyse projects with climate change adaptation, sustainable land use and biodiversity implications.

EbA South is a full-sized GEF project, funded through the Special Climate Change Fund. Officially known under the title “Enhancing Capacity, Knowledge and Technology Support to Build Climate Resilience of Vulnerable Developing Countries”, the project is implemented by United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and executed by the National Development and Reform Commission of China (NDRC) through the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGSNRR, CAS). The UNEP-International Ecosystem Management Partnership (UNEP-IEMP) is a UNEP collaborating centre based in China. It is the first centre in the South for the South and provides overall project management services, technical support and fosters South-South linkages for the project. This EbA protocol is a product of the EbA South project.

For more information about EbA South, please visit: www.ebasouth.org.
