The South-South Cooperation Forum on Food Security and Agrobiodiversity in Times of COVID-19 and Climate Change focused on the nexus of (i) equitable food security systems for producers and consumers, (ii) resilience in natural biodiversity systems to underpin food security and the public commons and (iii) interdisciplinary and inclusive approaches in the recovery from the pandemic – all informed by a principle of gender responsiveness and building on the global transformative experiences, good practices and technical cooperation among developing countries in the global South.
This working paper identifies the multiple and systemic challenges of food security and agrobiodiversity in the context of COVID-19 and climate change, articulates near-term opportunities for addressing these and frames key questions related to acceleration actions to be undertaken in the global South. Its final synthesis section presents answers to these questions as discussed in the forum.
The Forum was jointly organized by UNEP–IEMP, UNDP–UNEP Poverty-Environment Action and their partners: the Global Alliance for the Future of Food, the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), the International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD), UNDP and UN Women.