16 October 2024|News
08 October 2024|News
During 26-27 September 2024, the 5th International Delta Forum was successfully held in Dongying City, Shandong Province. The forum is jointly sponsored by the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the United Nations Environment Programme-International Ecosystem Management Partnership (UNEP-IEMP), and the Geographical Society of China. With the theme of "Ecology, Agriculture, Science and Technology", the forum aims to carry out academic exchanges on related topics and promote ecological protection and high-quality development among the international delta regions. The forum consisted of an opening ceremony, keynote and invited presentations, four parallel forums, and field trips. Mr. Guoqiang Yang, Secretary of the CPC Dongying Municipal Committee, accompanied by major leaders of relevant departments of Shandong provincial and Dongying municipal governments, Chinese and international experts and scholars, representatives of entrepreneurs, and officials of the host organizations and partners, attended the opening ceremony. As one of the organizers of the forum, Ms. Linxiu Zhang, Director of UNEP-IEMP, made a speech at the opening ceremony, and subsequently a keynote presentation entitled "Promoting Climate-Ecosystems-Livelihoods Nexus to Enhance the Resilience of Agri-Food Systems". Several researchers from UNEP-IEMP also attended the forum and related activities. Ms. Linxiu Zhang delivering a speech at the opening ceremony The forum released the scientific and technological achievements of eco-agriculture in the Yellow River Delta, announced the initiative of establishing an international exchange mechanism of experience in sustainable development of deltas, and unveiled scientific research platforms such as the Land and Sea Interaction Scientific Field Observation and Research Station in the Yellow River Estuary of the Ministry of Natural Resources. Since 2019, UNEP-IEMP has co-sponsored the International Delta Forum with partners, providing an effective platform for promoting international cooperation and development of delta regions and beyond.
25 September 2024|News
The "One Country One Priority Product (OCOP): Regional Organizing Group (ROG) Meeting (Extended) & and the International Capacity Building Workshop on Geographical Indications Environment & Sustainability (GIES) for Special Agricultural Products (SAPs) Development " were held at the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Representatives from 22 countries as well as international organizations such as the International Scientific Data Committee (CODATA) and the World Data System (WDS) attended the meeting. Zhang Linxiu, Director of UNEP-IEMP, and Senior Researcher Sun Mingxing participated in the conference. On September 13, Director Zhang Linxiu served in a panel discussion "One Country One Priority Product Geographical Indication Ecosystem" framework (OCOP GIES Framework) and stated that UNEP-IEMP, as the only global center of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) based in a developing country and serving developing countries, supports the relevant work of the framework. On September 21, Dr. Sun Mingxing delivered a presentation titled "Nexus Approaches for Tackling Triple Planetary Crisis & Application in Agricultural System," introducing the basic information and relevant work of UNEP-IEMP, particularly the CEL (Climate-Ecosystems-Livelihoods) framework and case studies on using integrated approaches to address challenges in agricultural and food systems. Director Zhang Linxiu and Dr. Sun Mingxing engaged in extensive exchanges with representatives from different countries, who expressed strong interest in UNEP-IEMP's global cooperation network and related research projects and conveyed their expectations for further collaboration with UNEP-IEMP.
23 September 2024|News
10 September 2024|News
On September 7, 2024, the 8th "Rural, Agriculture, and Farmer Forum" was successfully held in Beijing. Two members from UNEP-IEMP participated in the forum. The forum featured 42 papers centered around the theme of "Coordinating Urban-Rural Integrated Development and Advancing Comprehensive Rural Revitalization," with a focus on exploring how to uphold the integration of new-type urbanization and comprehensive rural revitalization, while continuously safeguarding and improving people's livelihoods amidst development. The Ph.D. candidate Xuan Zhichong presented a report titled "Development of E-commerce and Dietary Quality of Rural Residents: An Empirical Study Based on the ‘National Rural E-commerce Comprehensive Demonstration Policy’", which was nominated for the Best Paper Award at the forum. This paper analyzes the impact of e-commerce on the dietary quality of rural residents and its mechanisms. The master student Xu Yue presented on "Total Factor Productivity and GHG emissions intensity of Crop Planting: Evidence Based on the Fixed Observation Rural Survey in China", which empirically examined the impact of total factor productivity on crop cultivation carbon emissions and delved into its underlying mechanisms. This successful forum showcased the current research achievements and practical explorations in the "rural, agriculture, and farmer" field, while also providing a learning and exchange platform for advancing related work in the future. UNEP-IEMP will continue to deepen cooperation with various sectors, incorporate the dimensions of "climate change", "biodiversity conservation" and "desertification control" into the research and practice of "three rural", and jointly contribute wisdom and strength to the development of the "three rural" causes.
05 September 2024|News
September 4, 2024, Beijing – Dr. Youssef Nassef, Director of the Adaptation Division of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and Ms. Yu Chen from the Adaptation Division, UNFCCC, visited UNEP-IEMP and engaged in discussions with IEMP staff on global climate change adaptation strategies. During the meeting, Dr. Nassef emphasized the ongoing challenges in defining the responsibilities of developed and developing countries under the framework of Common but Differentiated Responsibilities (CBDR). He pointed out that the definition of "developing countries" remains ambiguous in international climate negotiations. He also highlighted that by 2030, the demand for climate adaptation is expected to reach $100 billion annually, while the current global funding stands at only $2 billion, leaving a significant gap. He called for innovative financing mechanisms to meet the growing need for adaptation funds. In addition, he emphasized the significance of establishing the "Loss and Damage Fund." Against the backdrop of the increasingly severe global climate situation, where climate disasters frequently occur, causing great losses and challenges for countries, the purpose of setting up this fund is to provide strong support, helping nations recover quickly after suffering climate disasters. Although the implementation of the fund faces many obstacles, such as difficulties in raising funds and coordinating national interests, it undeniably marks a solid and important step toward post-disaster recovery. This step not only brings hope to affected countries but also injects new momentum into the global effort to combat climate change. Finally, UNEP-IEMP shared the profound insights on balancing preventive and reactive measures to address climate impacts. Resilience to climate change can be effectively strengthened through strategic planning, relocation, and the use of financial mechanisms such as insurance. At the same time, Director Zhang also emphasized the significant importance of upscale actions and called for further strengthening the coordination between government policies and incentive mechanisms to accelerate the advancement of climate adaptation efforts. This exchange event explored how UNEP-IEMP’s ecosystem-based approach can further contribute to global adaptation strategies, particularly in supporting vulnerable regions facing urgent climate challenges.
04 September 2024|News
Beijing, September 3, 2024 – Mr. Gamal Hassan, Director of the Centre of Excellence for Climate Adaptation and Environmental Protection, Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD-CAEP) and Mr. Josephat Onyari, Director of Finance and Administration of IGAD, visited UNEP-IEMP on September 3rd to explore potential avenues for future collaboration. Dr. Zhang Linxiu, Director of UNEP-IEMP, warmly welcomed the delegation and introduced UNEP-IEMP's 10-year strategy, the UNEP Climate, Ecosystems, and Livelihoods flagship program, and its work in Africa. She emphasized the efforts of South-South cooperation and extended network of UNEP-IEMP with scientists and global partners. Dr. Zhang highlighted that UNEP-IEMP is leveraging China's extensive experiences on applying integrated approaches to addressing coupled environment and development issues. She also looked forward to showcasing joint successes on international platforms alongside IGAD. Mr. Onyari shared IGAD’s longstanding expertise on development, peace-keeping, environment and climate change across Eastern Africa. He pointed out that despite IGAD’s efforts, the region continues to grapple with natural disasters such as floods and droughts. Mr. Hassan shared that the IGAD-CAEP is continually working on climate risk management, policy advocacy and environmental managment with its eight member states, namely Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda. He expressed great interest in establishing good partnership with UNEP-IEMP and joining the South-South cooperation efforts. Some of these areas identified for cooperation include enhancing climate change early warning systems, capacity building among partner institutions, student exchange programs, and sharing of best practices in ecological restoration, climate change adaptation, and livelihood improvement. The meeting concluded with a mutual commitment to explore these collaborative opportunities further, with the shared goal of enhancing sustainable development in the Eastern Africa region. Group photo of attendees
27 August 2024|News
The China Agricultural and Forestry Economics and Management Annual Conference, which is the biggest annual academic conference on this topic in China, was successfully held in Kunming, Yunnan Province, from August 22nd to 23rd, 2024. With the theme of "Accelerating the Modernization of Agriculture and Rural Areas and Ensuring National Food Security", the conference invited more than 600 experts and scholars to present reports on academic frontiers in various forms of academic exchanges, such as organized sessions, paper presentations, and excellent paper reports. Six members of UNEP-IEMP were invited to participate in this conference. Associate Professor Yunli Bai from UNEP-IEMP and Professor Tonglong Zhang from South China Agricultural University led a session titled "Employment of Rural Labor Force" on August 22nd. Professor Yueqing Ji from Nanjing Agricultural University and Associate Professor Weidong Wang from Beijing Forestry University were invited as panel discussion members. There were 5 papers presented in this session by Zijin Wang, Yongyang Wu, Zihao Chen from China Agricultural University, Kaixuan Zhang from Nanjing Agricultural University, and Yutong Qiu from UNEP-IEMP. Yutong Qiu presented the paper titled "Impact of farmer cooperatives on labor employment: Evidence from rural China", which investigated the effect of farmer cooperatives on rural labor employment and explored its mechanism. More than 30 scholars participated this session. Additionally, Associate Professor Yunli Bai was invited to serve as a panel discussion member for the session "Sustainable Food Consumption". Ph.D. candidate Shaoyue Ma of UNEP-IEMP delivered a report titled "Edutainment: Can the use of short video apps improve household food consumption? Evidence from rural China", which assessed the role of short video apps in promoting food consumption transformation among rural residents and its mechanism. Ph.D. candidate Xuanye Zeng of UNEP-IEMP gave a presentation on "Has Public Employment Service promoted off-farm employment of rural labor: Evidence from 2000 households in 100 villages across 5 provinces in China between 2004 and 2022". This study investigated the impact of Public Employment Service policy in rural China on the off-farm employment participation among rural labor and analyzed the minimum implementation period for the policy to be effective. The paper won the Excellent Paper Award at the conference. The master student Jiaojiao Wu gave a presentation on "The Impact of Extreme Weather on the Time Allocation of Rural Residents", which estimated the impact of four common extreme weather types on the overall time structure of rural residents and discussed the economic significance. Ziyi Zhou, an intern at UNEP-IEMP, gave a presentation on "Total Factor Productivity and GHG emissions intensity of Crop Planting: Evidence Based on the Fixed Observation Rural Survey in China". With these activities, UNEP-IEMP members had in-depth exchanges with scholars and students from more than 10 universities and research units and broaden the collaboration network.
12 August 2024|News
During 20 July - 2 August 2024, the "Training Workshop on Ecosystem Restoration Monitoring and Assessment for BRI African Countries" was organized by UNEP-IEMP and Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, ChineseAcademyofSciences, with financial support from the Bureau of International Cooperation, ChineseAcademyofSciences. It brought more than 20 participants from 5 countries in Africa to participate in the 2-week long training event. It covered the topics of monitoring and assessing ecological restoration of forests, grasslands, croplands and drylands in Africa and China through a combination of lectures on state-of-the-art progress, field trips, and round-table discussions on current ecological restoration policies, efforts and challenges. Opening ceremony of the training workshop During the visits to partner organizations like SuperMap GIS Co., Ltd., China Foundation for Rural Development, Yucheng Integrated Agricultural Experimental Station, there were more hands-on experiences shared and in-depth exchanges in relation to the African context. Field trip to Yucheng Ecological Station in Shandong Province Through these interactive events, attendees have gained valuable insights on the principles, methodologies, practices and challenges inherent in ecological monitoring and restoration efforts. This mutual learning workshop allowed both the participants and expert team to build mutual understanding and explore further cooperation. Some of the potential areas for joint efforts include big-data based ecosystem assessment and its user-friendly tool demo, AI-supported biodiversity monitoring, mining areas re-habitation, climate-smart agriculture, develop agriculture products under Geographical Indications Environment & Sustainability (GIES) branding, lake ecosystem monitoring. During this workshop, UNEP-IEMP team shared its global, regional and national level experiences on promoting nexus approach in address challenges like climate changes, ecosystem degradation and unsustainable livelihoods. In particular, UNEP-IEMP`s efforts in different African countries and bamboo restoration and utilization work in Kenya were discussed for expanding such cooperation.
24 July 2024|News
On June 10th, UNEP-IEMP together with the Kenya local partners, the Wildlife Research and Training Institute, and the Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology, launched an ecosystem restoration project in the Lake Victoria Basin. In recent decades, the combined effects of climate change and human interventions have had a significant impact on the environment and community of the Lake Victoria Basin. Frequent floods are reshaping life of the local communities. For example, after the first rainy season in 2024, flooding in Lake Victoria resulted in the water level rose to 1,137.5 meters, 2.5 meters above the baseline, and the lake water flowed back into the floodplain, affecting more than 160,000 people on the Kenyan side and the disaster displaced 17,000 families. In this context, UNEP-IEMP initiated the project entitled "Ecosystem Restoration for Enhancing Livelihoods and Addressing Climate Change: China-Kenya Cooperation on Bamboo Technology Transfer" in the Nzoia catchment of the Lake Victoria Basin. It focuses on ecological restoration, technology transfer, and assessment in the degraded Nzoia catchment by addressing challenges like rebuilding riverbanks with bamboo as flood buffer zone, restoration priority areas and techniques, science for policy. It also seeks to address Kenya national policy priorities on "15 Billion Tree" initiative and the "National Bamboo Policy 2022". During June 5-9th, the joint project team surveyed the Nzoia catchment to understand ecosystem degradation status, local stakeholders` needs, practices, success and lessons on restoration, and identified key intervention sites for restoration. Local communities, including sand harvester, farmers, restoration practitioners and water user groups were consulted for building consensus on restoration actions. Project team visit to the Busia county government, June 7th, 2024 The project was launched with different local stakeholders in Busia County in the west Kenya on June 10th, together with a training session organized. During the launched, Dr Linxiu Zhang, Director of UNEP-IEMP, expressed her expectations on this project to join hand with local communities living in the flooding zone, and jointly build functional ecosystems, climate resilience and alternative livelihoods in the coming 3 years. Dr Linxiu Zhang, Director of UNEP-IEMP, giving opening remarks at the launch workshop, June 10th, 2024 This project is funded by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and will be implemented in 2024-2026. For more, please find the project description here.