12 April 2024|News
On April 10, 2024, UNEP-IEMP held two back-to-back events, i.e. Seminar on Gender Equality and Sustainable Development, and Closing Conference of the project "Improving Social Impacts of China’s Development Finance in Countries of the Global South from a Gender Perspective". The project was funded by the Ford Foundation and implemented by UNEP-IEMP. The event brought together over 30 representatives from United Nations agencies, foundations, academia, and industry associations to discuss the themes including the social impacts of overseas investment, gender equality and inclusive development, climate change, and biodiversity conservation. Mr. Enjiang Cheng, Program Officer from the Ford Foundation, delivered a welcome speech, sharing the priority of Ford Foundation’s funding in the area of overseas investment, and emphasizing the characteristics of diversified development in gender equality studies. Prof. Chengfang Liu, Deputy Dean of the School of Advanced Agricultural Sciences at Peking University and Deputy Director of the China Center for Agricultural Policy, shared her latest research titled "Compulsory Education and Rural Labor Off-farm Employment in China: A Gender Perspective" and discussed with the participants. Assoc. Prof. Yunli Bai, Research Fellow of UNEP-IEMP and the project coordinator, presented the results of the project on behalf of the team. The results included the case studies of the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway (Indonesia) and the Pokhara International Airport (Nepal); policy recommendations for investors, the governments and civil society organizations in host countries; and a toolkit to improve the social impact of overseas investment from social inclusive and gender equality perspectives. Prof. Xiaopeng Pang from Renmin University of China and Prof. Tonglong Zhang from South China Agricultural University provided insightful comments and constructive suggestions on the presented project results and gave the directions for future study. Ten experts shared their views and experiences around the topics on gender equality and female leadership in inclusive development as well as gender equality in relation to climate change and biodiversity conservation during the seminar. The experts unanimously agreed that women play a crucial role in improving family welfare, reducing carbon emissions, and protecting biodiversity. Experts highlighted the need to change social gender norms and rules to better facilitate women’s contributions. Additionally, the importance of understanding the difference between "gender differences" and "gender inequality" and implementing the measures of women empowerment tailored to local and temporal contexts were emphasized. Prof. Linxiu Zhang, Director of UNEP-IEMP, delivered a closing remark. She emphasized the necessity and systematization of gender research, hoped that interdisciplinarity would provide a source of innovation for gender studies, and called on policy advocacy institutions, academia and practitioners to work together to achieve gender equality at all levels. This conference not only offered a practical tool for how to achieve both economic and social benefits for outbound investment, but also provided an opportunity for presentation, reflection, exchange and action on the topic of gender equality and sustainable development.
02 April 2024|News
On the morning of March 20, 2024, at the invitation of Prof. Zeng Zhou's team from Hohai University, Director Linxiu Zhang participated in the kick-off meeting of the project "Evolution and Sustainable Development of Human-Sea Complex System of Coastal Wetlands in the Context of Global Change", which is under the auspices of the National Natural Science Foundation of China-United Nations Environment Programme (NSFC-UNEP) International Collaborative Science Program on Sustainable Development. At the meeting, Dr. Linxiu Zhang delivered a remark on behalf of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), congratulated the team, and gave valuable suggestions on how to better help achieve the goals initiated by UNEP with research results. Director Linxiu Zhang participated in the kick-off meeting of the project "Evolution and Sustainable Development of Human-Sea Complex System of Coastal Wetlands in the Context of Global Change" On the afternoon of the 20th, Director Zhang gave an invited lecture entitled "Strengthening Nexus Approaches to Address Three Major Environmental Challenges", which was hosted by Prof. Zeng Zhou, Director of the Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Coastal Marine Resources Development and Environmental Safety. Dr. Linxiu Zhang explored in depth how to deal with the three major global environmental challenges-climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution, and introduced the comprehensive solution strategies advocated by UNEP-IEMP and their implementation effects, emphasizing that these strategies are not only applied to specific projects, but also in how to be applied in a multi-dimensional way such as scientific research, policy support and transnational cooperation. Through specific cases such as the EbA program in Africa and the Women's Empowerment Program in Asia, it demonstrates the key role of scientific research and international cooperation in addressing the three major environmental challenges and puts forward valuable suggestions for future environmental protection and development. In addition, the lecture highlights the great potential of South-South and North-South cooperation in promoting environmental protection and sustainable development. By sharing knowledge, experiences and practices, we can collectively address global environmental challenges and contribute to the achievement of the SDGs. During the exchange session, the participants had an in-depth discussion on the experience of community research projects, the case study from the UNEP reports, and the nature based solutions for improving the ecological seawall resilience under the global climate change, laying the foundation for further promoting broader domestic and international exchanges and cooperations. On March 22, at the invitation of Prof. Guonian Lv's team from Nanjing Normal University, Director Linxiu Zhang participated in the kick-off meeting of the SDIC project "SDGs Interaction Prediction and Implementation Pathway Optimization for Water-Food-Ecology Synergy in Typical Coastal Urban Agglomerations". Director Linxiu Zhang delivered a speech on behalf of UNEP and chaired the second half of the meeting. Director Zhang wished the project good results and hoped the project would better support the work of UNEP and serve Member States. At the meeting, Director Zhang exchanged views and discussions with experts and scholars on research issues such as the interaction of water-food-ecology and SDGs. Director Linxiu Zhang participated in the kick-off meeting of the SDIC project "SDGs Interaction Prediction and Implementation Pathway Optimization for Water-Food-Ecology Synergy in Typical Coastal Urban Agglomerations" The events were well reported by below links. 我院主持的国家自然科学基金-联合国环境规划署可持续发展国际合作计划重点项目启动会顺利召开 联合国环境规划署高级官员张林秀主任应邀进行工作交流 NSFC-UNEP可持续发展国际合作科学计划(SDIC)《典型沿海城市群水-粮食-生态协同的SDGs交互预测与实施途径优化》项目启动会在南京师范大学地理科学学院顺利举行
28 March 2024|News
01 February 2024|News
On January 31, 2024, Dr. Zhang Linxiu, Director of the United Nations Environment Programme - International Ecosystem Management Partnership (UNEP-IEMP), along with Dr. Liao Xiaoyong, Deputy Director of the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and their respective teams, visited the Soil Center of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment. The meeting was attended by the Director of the Soil Center, Mr. Hong Yaxiong, Deputy Director Mr. Chen Hedong, Division Chief Mr. Shi Huading, and related laboratory researchers. The main focus of the meeting was to deepen research exchange and international cooperation in soil conservation. Director Hong Yaxiong presented the latest progress in the protection of black soil in the Northeast region of China. He emphasized the importance of bringing the achievements of China's black soil protection research to the global stage and expressed the desire to share outstanding soil conservation techniques with the international community. The venue for the meeting Director Zhang Linxiu commended the work of the Soil Center and emphasized the significance of farmland conservation in maintaining agricultural biodiversity and enhancing the resilience of food systems. She particularly noted the positive impact of these efforts in addressing climate change and preventing land degradation. During the meeting, Director Zhang proposed integrating various perspectives to promote the protection of black soil. She suggested combining the scientific outcomes of black soil conservation with its impact on socio-economic aspects to conduct a comprehensive assessment, thereby guiding conservation strategies and promoting synergistic development between environmental protection and socio-economic progress. At the end of the meeting, both parties reached a preliminary agreement on international cooperation to promote soil conservation and improve its quality and efficiency.
01 February 2024|News
On January 24th, 2024, the kick-off meeting of the Major International (Regional) Joint Research Project, "Urban Soil Biodiversity: Regulator for Zoonotic Pathogens and Its Risks to Human Health", was held at the Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), in Xiamen City, Fujian Province, China. The participants included project team members and experts from the Institute of Urban Environment, CAS; Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, CAS; Wuhan Botanical Garden, CAS; Zhejiang University; Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University; Wuhan Institute of Technology; Peking University; Lanzhou University; and UNEP-IEMP. The meeting was hosted by Prof. Xin Lu (Chief of the Science and Technology Division of the Institute of Urban Environment, CAS), and welcomed by Prof. Shaohua Chen (Secretary of the Party Committee of the Institute of Urban Environment, CAS) and, subsequently, Prof. Linxiu Zhang (Director of UNEP-IEMP) officially announced the launch of the project. In the meeting, Prof. Xin Sun (project leader, Institute of Urban Environment, CAS) gave a detailed presentation on various aspects of the project, including the research significance and scientific questions, research content and implementation plan, research team and division of work, as well as annual plans and expected outcomes. Then, the meeting thoroughly discussed the implementation plan and suggested on specific details, such as the selection of representative cities, international collaborative team management, and the format of project outputs. Afterwards, Prof. Jianming Xu (Zhejiang University) led the discussion on the work plan. The project integrates the strengths and resources of three institutions: Institute of Urban Environment, CAS; the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS; and Peking University. Collaborating with interdisciplinary research teams from multiple regions, including Asia, Africa, Australia, and Europe, this project aims to assess the relationship between soil biodiversity and zoonotic pathogens in the context of urbanization. It investigates the global distribution pattern and driving mechanisms of zoonotic pathogens in urban green space soil. In addition, the project analyzes the regulatory mechanisms of urban biodiversity and environmental factors on zoonotic pathogens and ultimately assesses the risk of zoonotic pathogens in the context of global urbanization. The results of the project are expected to contribute to several urban-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and have important implications for the well-beings of urban residents and the realization of sustainable urban development. As a collaborative research project between the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), the project is carried out on the basis of mutual agreement, with special attention given to cooperation and support for developing countries in Africa and the Asia-Pacific region.
08 December 2023|News
On November 13, 2023, Dr. Linxiu Zhang, Director of UNEP-IEMP, was invited to participate in the High-Level Policy Dialogue on "Policy Dialogue on Human Development: Navigating the future: Advancing human development in a changing world ", which was co-hosted by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) China and China Institute for Development Planning (CIDP), Tsinghua University. The event was centered on the topics of concern of the 2024 Regional Human Development Report for Asia and the Pacific by UNDP in November, focusing on pathways to advance human development in the context of global crises and megatrends. The dialogue featured four keynote presentations and two roundtable forums. Director Zhang discussed the relationship between human development and environmental pressures with guests at a roundtable discussion on "Climate and nature-positive actions to power up human development". Director Zhang emphasized the importance of utilizing the climate and nature-friendly actions to facilitate human development. While addressing climate change, protecting nature and biodiversity, it was important to empower people and to build resilient social systems to promote sustainable livelihoods. Nexus approach and mind are needed regarding the multiple benefits of climate and nature-friendly actions. It is significant to view the role of policymaking and the green economy development, as well as the community participation. Meanwhile, it is meaningful to empower women and their full involvement. This policy dialogue was reported by media, please see below links 高层政策对话|人类发展路径的变革与机遇 (UNDP) 以人为本的政策和投资至关重要——联合国开发计划署与清华大学联合举办前瞻政策对话(农民日报)
20 November 2023|News
On November 7-9th, 2023, UNEP-IEMP together with the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) and the Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences (CRAES) organized the 13th Chinese-German Workshop on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services and the 2nd Workshop for Young Researchers: "Implementing the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, Enhancing Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functions through Forest and Wetland Restoration" in Hainan Province, China. This workshop exchanged experiences from China, Cambodia, Germany, Kenya, Nepal, and Thailand on Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) implementation, focus on targets 2 of restoring 30% global degraded ecosystems. The workshop gathered over 60 on-site and on-line participants from UN organization, governments, science community, and NGOs. There is focused exchange on forest and wetland ecosystem restoration, its experiences, lessons and key challenges under climate change impact. The UNEP-IEMP director Dr. Linxiu Zhang gave an opening remark by emphasizing on the role of science for the GBF implementation. Ms. Guoqin Wang shared a presentation on "South-South Cooperation on ecosystem restoration: actions and implications", which elaborated restoration experiences and lessons from the Greater Mekong Sub-region and the Africa Great Green Wall initiative in the Sahel region. Guoqin Wang presenting experiences on South-South cooperation The workshop discussion covered issues like complex linkages of climate change, ecosystem restoration and biodiversity conservation, roles and perspectives of different stakeholders on restoration, and effectiveness of restoration efforts. There were also two group discussions on challenges for future biodiversity conservation and policy &research gaps under the GBF implementation, multiple benefits of ecosystem restoration. Field tours at the Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park and the Dongzhaigang Mangrove Nature Reserve were organized to exchange experiences. Group photo at the Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park