23 August 2023|News
The United Nations Environment Programme-International Ecosystem Management Partnership (UNEP-IEMP) successfully held its 7th Climate-Ecosystems-Livelihoods seminar titled "Climate change and low-carbon transition pathways" in the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences on 22 August 2023. The seminar was given by Dr. Jing Meng, Professor of University College London, research fellow of Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Governance in Cambridge University, and facilitated by Mingxing Sun, senior researcher of UNEP-IEMP. Under the background of pursuing sustainable development, Prof. Meng shared the current research results from three aspects. Firstly, based on the inventory analysis research, the impact of economic globalization and trade on carbon emissions is modeled. The reduction pressure and unfairness of carbon emissions caused by increased demand are calculated from the demand side, and the impact of multinational corporations on carbon emissions in the industrial chain is concerned from the company scale. Secondly, from the perspective of policy, the socio-economic factors affecting carbon emissions are discussed. Taking emerging economies in the Asia-Pacific region as an example, the heterogeneous roles of different energy policies in energy transition are compared. Finally, to explore how to achieve coordinated emission reduction of carbon and other pollutants, Prof. Meng pointed out that emission reduction requires the efforts of various industries, among which the path of emission reduction is more important. Emission reduction depends on technological progress. However, the current prediction model is difficult to accurately describe the development of technology. In the future, it is necessary to incorporate the uncertainty of technological development into the model and pay attention to developing countries. During the interactive session, Prof. Meng answered questions about the effects of emission reduction policies in different countries and the embodied carbon emissions in the industry, and fully discussed with the participants on topics such as technology forecasting and policy formulation. Low-carbon transformation is the way to promote sustainable development and achieve economic and environmental decoupling. It is closely related to the goal of UNEP-IEMP's Flagship Programme on Climate, Ecosystems, and Livelihoods (CEL) to adopt integrated approaches to achieve win-win of ecosystem protection and livelihood improvement. The seminar increases the understanding and thinking on how to achieve low-carbon transformation under the current social and economic background, builds a platform for interdisciplinary academic exchanges, and further strengthens the communication and exchange between the center and domestic and foreign scientific research institutions and universities.
18 July 2023|News
On June 10-11,2023, the Third Taklimakan Desert Forum and the Second African Green Great Wall Capacity Building Workshop were successfully organized in Korla city of Xinjiang, China, with over 180 participants from China and 14 developing countries. Ms. Linxiu Zhang, Director of UNEP-IEMP, was invited to givea keynote presentation on "Ecosystem Restoration with Nexus Approaches: Actions, Impacts and Implications". Ms. Linxiu Zhang emphasized the importance and progress of promoting nexus approach for sustainable development, and introduced some UNEP-IEMP actions, impacts and implications of nexus approach. Through the cases of building ecological green belt in Mauritania and empowering women on climate smart-agriculture in Ningxia, China, they well reflected the required efforts for multidisciplinary and cross-sector coordination, traditional wisdom and community participation, action-research to enhance science-policy interface, and women empowerment. Ms. Zhang elaborated on the important global opportunities and linkages towards the United Nations Decade of Ecological Restoration, the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and the UN Food System Transformation. Director Linxiu Zhang gave a keynote presentation The Forum was jointly organized by the Bureau of International Cooperation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Association for Science and Technology of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, the Alliance of International Science Organizations and the Secretariat of the Pan-African Green Great Wall. The conference aims to share China's desertification control technologies and experiences, promote cooperation and exchanges between China and other countries in the field of land degradation and desertification control, and contribute to these goals like land degradation neutrality by 2030 and reduce degraded land by 50% by 2040. During this conference, UNEP-IEMP also had discussion with different teams from Africa, Central Asia and China on the cooperation opportunities. For more, please go to Chinese, African experts call for collaboration against desertification-Xinhua (; Interview: China's anti-desertification experience conducive to global green development, UN official says-Xinhua (
17 July 2023|News
8-9 July 2023, the Eco Forum Global Guiyang 2023 was successfully held in Guiyang International Ecological Conference Center. The sub-forum on "Lucid Waters and Lush Mountains are Invaluable Assets: Innovations in Practice" hosted by the Guizhou Provincial People's Government, organized by the China Research Academy of Environmental Sciences and the Guizhou Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, and supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the China Environmental Protection Foundation was held in the afternoon of July 8. The sub-forum focuses on the practical innovation of the "Green is Gold" concept and is organized around two topics: "Ecological Civilization and Modernization of Harmonious Coexistence between Humanity and Nature" and "Practicing the Idea of 'Green is Gold' and Promoting Green and Low Carbon Development". In total, the Eco Forum Global Guiyang attracted more than 3,200 delegates from 42 countries and regions around the world. Director Zhang Linxiu was invited to host the first dialogue "Ecological Civilization and Modernization of Harmonious Coexistence between Humanity and Nature". In the second dialogue "Practicing the Idea of 'Green is Gold' and Promoting Green and Low Carbon Development", she introduced the UNEP The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) agri-food system assessment in the national "Green is Gold" practice innovation base Tengchong City, Yunnan Province. Director Zhang Linxiu began by emphasizing that TEEB's work in Tengchong is part of UNEP's efforts to support its member countries in their green transformation and achieving the SDGs. By conducting an economic assessment of different policy pathways in Tengchong’s agriculture and food systems, both visible and invisible costs and benefits are revealed to support the development and improvement of sustainable agriculture policies for agri-food system transformation. Five key messages from the TEEB Tengchong assessment were shared with the audience: 1. Tengchong City is rich in the values of ecosystem regulation services such as water regulation and purification, soil conservation, and carbon sequestration, and they are insensitive to different agricultural development pathways. This indicates that the ecosystems in Tengchong City are resilient enough to resist exogenous disturbances. Natural capital is one of the foundations of local economic and social development. For years, the forest cover in Tengchong has been maintained above 75%, which is related to the long-term protection of natural ecosystems by national and local policies. 2. Tengchong City's forest system has a strong natural carbon sink function, with carbon sequestration of 37.5 million tons of CO2 equivalent in 2020. In contrast, the greenhouse gas emissions from Tengchong City's agricultural system are relatively small: in 2020 agriculture GHG emissions account for about 2.67% of its annual carbon sequestration; by 2050, the proportion is expected to be around 5%. Different agricultural development paths will not change the fact that Tengchong functions as a carbon sink. 3. Nitrogen and phosphorus emissions from water pollution in agricultural systems need to be taken seriously. The nitrogen consumed by the water purification function of the natural ecosystem accounts for less than 7% of the total nitrogen discharge, and the phosphorus consumed accounts for less than 25% of the total phosphorus discharge. This indicates that the water pollution caused by the agro-food system far exceeds the purification capacity of the natural ecosystem itself. Therefore, the management of manure wastewater from beef cattle breeding should be strengthened, and the leaching of fertilizers should be further reduced. 4. Comparing the different agricultural development paths, it is found that the total net value of the natural, economic, and social effects of the "positive" development path is higher than that of the "baseline" and the "negative" paths. For example, in the 2050 simulation scenario, the total net value of the "positive" pathway is 7% higher than that of the "baseline" scenario and 10% higher than that of the "negative" scenario. From a health point of view (spillover effect), the "positive" development path leads to fewer negative impacts on human health, especially in the long term. 5. Analyzing the decision-making of farmers, who are the main actors in the transformation of the agrifood system, it was found that choosing a more ecologically friendly way of farming does not entail more economic pressure than other ways of farming when only considering farming expenditures and revenues; and that in the long run, their net income can still increase by a small amount. Director Zhang Linxiu introducing the UNEP TEEB Agri-food system assessment in the national "Green is Gold" practice innovation base Tengchong City, Yunnan Province At the end of the sharing, Ms. Zhang Linxiu conveyed the expectation of Mr. Huang Runqiu, Minister of Ecology and Environment of China and President of COP15, on the work of TEEB in China: to further enrich the application in specific fields and scenarios, to make the socio-economic activities more biodiversity friendly. This was raised during the TEEB side event held last year in Montreal during the second phase of CBD COP15.
07 July 2023|News
During June 26-27, 2023, the "3rd Conference on Climate, Ecosystems and Livelihoods (CEL) -- Addressing the Nexus Issues on Food Security & Food System Resilience in Africa" was organized successfully and fruitfully at UNEP Headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya. The conference was organized by UNEP-IEMP and AGRA- Sustainably Growing Africa's Food Systems, with support from UNEP, The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), and Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). With an overall aim to promote the coordination and integration of the cooperation mechanisms between partners to address issues and challenges on sustainable development, especially on food security and food system resilience through nexus approach in Africa, the conference brought approximately 100 participants from 35 institutions of the Global South - governments, non-governmental organizations,academic institutions, as well as regional, international and sister UN agencies, such as the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), and International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI). At the opening session, Ms. Susan Gardner (Director of Ecosystems Division, UNEP) stressed the significance of food security and resilience in relation to the triple planetary crisis of climate,nature,andpollution, and that the collective actions are needed. She also encouraged the scientists and stakeholders from China, Africa and beyond to work together to deliver powerful science for policy and towards expediting practical solutions to addressing the SDGs. Ms. Aggie Konde (representing Ms. Agnes Kalibata, AGRA President) emphasized the urgency from testing to scaling up the actions to address the food challenges in Africa under the changing climate while also protecting ecosystems. She also expressed her appreciation that this conference was also to materialize the cooperation of AGRA-UNEP with everyone as part of the journey. Likewise, Mr. Yan Zhuang (Director of Division of International Organization Programs, CAS) encouraged everyone to join hands to overcome global issues and gave relevant examples of international cooperation under CAS, including UNEP-IEMP (jointly established between CAS and UNEP) and Sino-Africa Joint Research Center (between CAS and Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya). During the course of the conference, more than 40 presentations were made around the issues of food security in Africa. These include Africa study findings from 15 ongoing UNEP-Africa-China cooperation projects, global or UN level initiatives actions to address cross linkages and nexus issues. There were discussions on challenges, gaps and opportunities facing Africa on food security, including sustainable food production and consumption, sustainable land and natural resources management along with livelihood security, food system vulnerabilities and resilience. Importantly, key areas for cooperation were also defined, including capacity building programme for systems thinking, inter-regional and regional peer learning and collaboration (including China-Africa cooperation), empowering to farmers and bottom up approach on technology transfer, technology research cooperation and integrated land use planning and management. At the end of the conference, Ms. Linxiu Zhang (Director of UNEP-IEMP) delivered her closing speech that the conference was a real feast of scientific knowledge exchange from all the disciplines and encouraged everyone to further enrich knowledge and expand network. UNEP-IEMP would be happy to continuously play the convening role when there is a need. Ms. Linxiu Zhang delivering a closing speech This CEL Africa conference is part of the continued effort of UNEP’s flagship programme on Climate, Ecosystems and Livelihoods (CEL), launched in 2016 and implementation led by UNEP-IEMP, to assist countries in the Global South to improve livelihoods through ecosystem restoration and conservation in the context of climate change. South-South Cooperation is a key feature of the CEL implementation and Africa is one of the CEL’s focal geographical areas. Expertise from China has been mobilized by UNEP-IEMP to enhance partnership on science, technology and policy related to CEL topics together with the African partners and other international experts. Group photo of all participants This conference was well reported by media, please see below links. Chinese, African scientists call for climate-resilient food systems to beat hunger The 3rd Conference on Climate, Ecosystems and Livelihoods in Africa, focusing on Africa food security
16 June 2023|News
From 2 to 12 June 2023, Dr. Fu Chao and Dr. Li Li from the UNEP-IEMP Research Unite traveled to Uganda and Kenya and conducted field research and exchange activities on sustainable water resource utilization strategies in the Lake Victoria Basin (LVB). These activities were supported by an international cooperation project on "Sustainable Water Resources Utilisation and Integrated Lake Basin Management in the Great Lakes Basin of East Africa" under the National Key Research and Development Programme of China. The team presented and exchanged the project's preliminary research results and actively communicated with local researchers and managers, with the aim of formulating key strategies and policy recommendations for enhancing the multiple benefits of water resource utilization in the LVB. The team first tripped to Entebbe and Kampala, Uganda and met with other project members to discuss water use and sustainable agricultural development in the LVB. During the trip, they visited the Uganda Aquatic Research and Development Centre (China-Uganda Friendship Agricultural Technology Demonstration Center) nearby Kampala, where they witnessed the innovative initiatives undertaken by the China-FAO-Uganda South-South cooperation project (Phase III) to enhance sustainable agricultural practices. From Uganda, the team traveled to Nairobi, Kenya to attend a project workshop at the Sino-African Joint Research Centre (SAJOREC) located at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT). The workshop brought together researchers from project participating institutions such as the Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology (NIGLAS), Wuhan University, and Nanjing University, and project collaborators such as the National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NAFIRRI) of Uganda, Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI), Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute (TAFIRI), JKUAT and Kenyatta University. The participants presented their research work, focusing on the themes of water resources monitoring data and watershed management techniques and policies in the East African Great Lakes region. Discussions ensued on effectively integrating scientific research with regional policies. Dr. Fu Chao presented case studies on household livelihoods and water use in the Mwanza region of Tanzania, highlighting the key role of integrated water resources management in promoting sustainable development in the region. After the workshop, the UNEP-IEMP team alongside other project team members, continued to Kisumu, Kenya, where they visited the Lake Victoria Basin Commission (LVBC) and the KMFRI Kisumu Centre. They briefed the institution representatives and researchers on the project's overall status and research priorities and to explore possible ways of aligning the research findings with their institutional mission and ongoing project activities. In addition, the project team visited local fishing communities and their fishing cooperatives to learn about the characteristics of the cage-fishery technologies they have been developing in recent years and to provide preliminary recommendations on related issues. Through this visit, UNEP-IEMP and the entire project team deepened their understanding of water resources management challenges and opportunities in the LVB. They strengthened the links and communication channels with local institutions and researchers, laying a good foundation for further work in the region. The project team will continue contributing to resource and environmental management and prosperity in the region and beyond through collaborative research, knowledge sharing, and stakeholder engagement.
18 April 2023|News
On April 16-17, 2023, Dr. Linxiu Zhang, Director of the United Nations Environment Programme - International Ecosystem Management Partnership (UNEP-IEMP), was invited to give an opening remarksand a keynote speech at the "The Third Mountain Futures Conference". The event was organized in Kunming city of China and hosted by Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). In her opening remarks, Dr. Linxiu Zhang stated the vital role of mountains as the water towers of our continents and strongholds for biodiversity and culture. To address the crises facing mountains, she called for attaching great importance to promote nexus approaches that encourage cross-sectoral and multi-stakeholder cooperation, enhance interdisciplinary research, and promote evidence-based science for policy. She reiterated the urgency of connecting policy agendas and actions on the mountain, biodiversity and climate nexus, as well as the inclusive and participatory implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework by governments and all stakeholders. Dr. Linxiu Zhang delivered an opening remark At her keynote speech "Unlocking the Power of Women for Sustainable Mountain Development", she highlighted the significance of gender in sustainable development, and introduced the consensus and efforts on gender inclusiveness. With examples from recent case studies conducted by UNEP-IEMP, she discussed the findings and implications of the critical paths to unlocking the women’s power for sustainable development. Dr. Linxiu Zhang made a keynote speech
15 March 2023|News
December 2022, the short video "Living Seeds and Resilient Bio-cultures, Coexistence of Naxi communities with Nature" jointly submitted by UNEP-IEMP and the Farmers' Seed Network won the third prize of "Short Video Competition of Public Participation COP15 Biodiversity Protection " from the Publicity and Education Center of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment. This activity is part of the warm-up publicity work for the second phase of CBD COP15. The video shows the practical process of the seeds protection and cultivation by Naxi communities since 2013. With technical and financial support from the Participatory Action Research team of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Farmers' Seed Network (FSN), the local seed protection team conducted action researches on agro-biodiversity conservation and utilization, and collected and registered traditional varieties a well as worked with scientists on Participatory Plant Breeding. A community seed bank was set up as a public space to facilitate seed and to promote knowledge exchange among villagers. In 2018, with the support from the FSN and the Pan Third Pole Environmental Change and Green Silk Road Construction Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Stone Village, one of the Naxi communities, has become a demonstration site for sustainable livelihood improvement and green development, and then the Wumu, Youmi and Labo Villages. These four bioculture-linked villages called a Naxi Mountain Community Network, have inherited and carried forward the traditional bio-cultures, explored the joint efforts of scientists, governing bodies, NGOs and small-scale farming communities to protect and sustainably utilize biodiversity resources, improved the sustainable development model of community-based ecological culture, and realized the harmonious coexistence between man and nature.