Project on assessment and adaptive management of habitats for Siberian Cranes in the Yellow River Delta successfully concluded

  • 13 December 2021  |  News

On the afternoon of 10 December 2021, a closing workshop of the project on “Assessment and Adaptive Management of Habitats for Siberian Cranes in the Yellow River Delta” was held online. The project team of UNEP-IEMP and experts from research institutes of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Forestry Sciences, Beijing Forestry University and Shandong Yellow River Delta National Nature Reserve Management Committee attended the meeting. Su Baogan, Director of Dongying Foreign Affairs Office facilitated the meeting.

Dr. Chao Fu, Head of UNEP-IEMP’s Research Unit, introduced the project activities and achievements made so far. Since August 2020, the project team conducted literature review, field investigation, interpretation of remote sensing images, and household interviews to analyze the behaviors and awareness of the residents for the conservation of birds in the Yellow River delta, evaluate the current situation of habitats for Siberian Cranes in the Delta, zone the habitats in the Yellow River Delta National Nature Reserve preliminarily, and point out the issues that need attention in the future study. The study report prepared by the project team provides a management strategy and suggestions on how to improve the monitoring and investigation system on birds and wetlands in the Reserve, improve the habitat quality and resilience of important habitats for Siberian Cranes, and strengthen the communication and contact between the Reserve and surrounding communities.

A panel of experts reviewed and made comments on the study report. They agreed on that through the analysis of field survey data, the report confirms a significant increase in the number of Siberian Cranes in recent years and mapped their distribution area in the Reserve, which provides reference for subsequent monitoring and conservation. The preliminary zoning of habitats for Siberian Cranes in the Reserve can be also used as a reference for habitat restoration and management in the future. The analysis of the relationship between residents’ livelihood activities and bird conservation provides a new perspective for strengthening the balance between conservation and development. The proposed management strategy and suggestions will provide support for improving wetland ecosystem functions, promoting biodiversity conservation, and building the Yellow River Estuary National Park.

Dr. Linxiu Zhang, Director of UNEP-IEMP, stressed that the project provides a foundation for future research and conservation work and looks forward to working with partners to promote the project as a successful example and epitome of biodiversity conservation in the Yellow River Delta. 

Experts, project team and other stakeholdes participated the online workshop

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