Effects of conservation measures on crop diversity and their implications for climate-resilient livelihoods: the case of Rupa Lake Watershed in Nepal

Yunli Bai, Chao Fu, Balaram Thapa, Bahadur Rana Ram, Linxiu Zhang

Combination of raising conservation awareness and building diversity blocks had a significantly positive effect on the number of crop varieties, especially for grain and vegetable crops, which can better serve the climate-resilient livelihoods and food security of people in mountainous areas.

Journal Title: Journal of Mountain Science

Volume/Issue/Page: 2022, 19(4)

Published Time: April 2022


Agrobiodiversity conservation is vital for achieving sustainability, but empirical studies on the effects of different practices or measures on crop diversity are rare. This study aims to estimate the effects of raising conservation awareness (RCA), building diversity blocks (BDB), and their combination on crop diversity among 240 randomly selected households surrounding the Rupa Lake Watershed in Nepal. Based on descriptive analysis and multiple regression models, the results indicate that the two single measures had no significant effect on the numbers of crop species and varieties grown by households in 2018. However, the combination of RCA and BDB had a significantly positive effect on the number of crop varieties, especially for grain and vegetable crops. Considering that these crops are essential in the daily lives of local people, the results indicate that a strategy that combines both awareness raising and on-farm conservation measures can generate higher crop diversity and better serve the climate-resilient livelihoods of people in mountainous areas. 

Corresponding author: Chao Fu,

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