27 May 2022|News
Two research studies, i.e. Gender Equality and Sustainable Development in the Mountain Areas of Asia (Exploring the Role of Gender Equality in Addressing Climate Change, Biodiversity Conservation, Ecosystem Restoration and Food Security) and Sustainable Livelihoods in Rural Areas of Nepal (Ecosystem Restoration and Conservation for Resilient Livelihoods in the Rupa Lake Watershed of Nepal) have been featured on the South-South Galaxy platform. They both present the research work of UNEP-IEMP in collaboration with partners in other Southern countries, including Bhutan, Cambodia, China, Nepal, and Thailand. The topics focus on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on climate change, biodiversity conservation, ecosystem restoration and food security, as well as ecosystem restoration and livelihoods, respectively.
The South-South Galaxy platform aims to promote South-South cooperation by providing access to a diverse range of knowledge and partners. Through the platform countries from the Global South, UN agencies, and other interested partners are able to connect, identify best practices, share their knowledge and initiatives, and collaborate with potential partners digitally. It is managed by the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC). UNEP is the South-South Cooperation PartneroftheMonth from mid-April to mid-May 2022, during which UNEP’s work on South-South cooperation are highlighted and publicized on the Galaxy platform and social media channels.
UNEP- IEMP, as the first UNEP Collaborating Centre in the South and for the South, mobilising science to support policy setting for sustainable ecosystem management in developing countries and promoting a green economy and enhancing South-South cooperation, have been implementing a number of projects that highlight South-South cooperation. Many of them have been presented on the Galaxy platform. These include China-UNEP Partnership Promotes South-South Cooperation in Africa, South-South Cooperation to Tackle Climate Change, and Ecosystem Restoration in the Global South.
24 May 2022|News
On the eve of International Biodiversity Day, the United Nations Environment Programme-International Ecosystem Management Partnership (UNEP-IEMP) held its fifth Climate-Ecosystems-Livelihoods seminar titled " Transformation of Agrifood Systems and Biodiversity Conservation" online on 20 May 2022. The seminar was given by Dr. Shenggen Fan, Dean of Academy of Global Food Economics and Policy and Professor of China Agricultural University, and facilitated by Linxiu Zhang, Director of UNEP-IEMP. Nearly 300 researchers, students, and others interested on the theme attended the seminar.
Prof. Fan first introduced the concept of global agrifood system and pointed out the system is being impacted by a thicket of overlapping challenges, including deteriorating hunger and malnutrition around the world, increasing impacts of climate change, squeezed boundary of the Earth’s resources and environment, COVID-19, Russia-Ukraine conflict. Prof. Fan then elaborated the relationship between agrifood systems and biodiversity loss and described the economic costs of biodiversity loss, emphasizing that agricultural biodiversity was one of the keys to combating climate change and land degradation, as well as the fact that many crops were currently neglected and underutilized. Finally, Prof. Fan proposed to transform the agrifood systems to achieve win-win of food safety and health and biodiversity conservation through following three levers: improving dietary structure, reserving land for biodiversity, and changing farming practices.
Figure 1 Prof. Shenggen Fan delivering a lecture online
Prof. Fan’s seminar aroused a wide response from the audiences. They had in-depth exchanges with Prof. Fan on the improvement of dietary structure, nutritional security of vulnerable groups, development of organic food, effective utilization of local crops, and the role of women in the conservation and sustainable utilization of agrobiodiversity.
Figure 2 Online academic lecture
Transforming agrifood systems is a key to biodiversity conservation. It is also a core issue of UNEP-IEMP's Flagship Programme on Climate, Ecosystems, and Livelihoods (CEL) to adopt integrated approaches to achieve win-win of ecosystem protection and livelihood improvement. The seminar increased the understanding of global agrifood systems and its relationship with biodiversity conservation among participants, provided the opportunities of academic discussion and cooperation in relevant fields, and strengthened the communication between UNEP-IEMP and the institutions and universities in China.
For more information, please contact: Dr. Yunli Bai, yunli.bai@unep-iemp.org.
30 April 2022|News
On 28 April 2022, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) launched a report titled "A Scientific Assessment of the Third Pole Environment" successfully online and at the venue in Beijing. The UNEP-IEMP co-organized the eventtogetherwith UNEP Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ROAP), International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), and the Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (ITPCAS), as a special event to observe the year 2022 as the International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development. Thelaunch event was moderated by Mr. Maarten Kappelle, Head of Scientific Assessments, Science DivisionofUNEP.
The venue for the launch event at ITPCAS
In the opening session, Ms. Isabelle Louis, Deputy Director, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, UNEP, congratulated all the experts behind this important report and praised it a product of the involvement of an interdisciplinary scientific community, providing a solid base for policies and actions to address the triple environmental crisis.
Mr. Basanta Shrestha, Director of Strategic Cooperation, ICIMOD, believed that the Third Pole Environment (TPE) assessment report would be highly valued in taking forward the new strategy being developed by ICIMOD, and wished to continue the fruitful and collaborative partnership with UNEP, the TPE, and other scientific organizations.
Prof. Yaping Zhang, Vice-President, Chinese Academy of Sciences, expressed warm thanks to all the contributors for the launch of TPE assessment report, and remarked that scientist and researchers around the world should think beyond boarder and continue international cooperation and interdisciplinary research to tackle challenges in the fast-changing era.
Mr. Jian Liu, Director, Science Division, UNEP welcome all the participants in the launch. He said launching the TPE assessment report is not only to fill in the knowledge gaps in the region and globally,but also to help identifying options for solutions for policy sector.He wished the triple party collaboration between UNEP, ICIMOD and CAS continue and have more outcomes.
Following the opening session, a keynote presentation made jointly by Profs. Tandong Yao, Lonnie G. Thompson, and Deliang Chen, Co-chairs of TPE, to introduce key messages from the report. As highlighted, the report provides a scientifically sound evaluation of a region with the largest complex of alpine ecosystems and freshwater systems in the world. It considers the changes that have taken place in the regional environment over the past 2,000 years, especially the changes today. It also looks to the future and underlines the importance of interdisciplinary research to address threats affecting this environment the Third Pole faces today and in the near future.
Prof.TandongYao, Lonnie G. Thompson, andDeliangChen, Co-chairs of TPE, making a joint keynote presentation
Six distinguished panelists joined in a panel discussion which was moderated by Mr. Matthias Georg Jurek, Programme Management Officer, UNEP Vienna Office. During the discussion, Dr. Nakul Chettri, Regional Programme Manager – Transboundary Landscapes, ICIMOD, shared experience from his work which largely on balancing conservation and development through science and policy interface and trusted partnership of diverse stakeholders.
Ms. Ermira Fida, Deputy Secretary, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) stressed that climate was already impacting every corner of the world including the Third Pole Environment and she saw a very strong convergence from the TPE assessment report and those released by IPCC in recent days.
Prof. Shilong Piao from Peking University pointed out that to provide a clear road map in reducing the vulnerability and exposure of human and nature system to climate change, we still need to reduce uncertainty in understanding land surface process such as precipitation, temperature, and also ecosystems.
Dr. Ram Prasad Chaudhary, Professor Emeritus of Tribhuvan University, Nepal, suggested to assess local and traditional knowledge on climate change by local communities that can be a useful information for conservation and sustainable use of biological resources including wild medicinal plants.
Ms. Tina H.P. Schoolmeester from GRID-Arendal highlighted the global significance of the Third Pole Environment from the global linkage perspectives, and also suggested to have more efforts in communicating complex issues in clear, visual and informative manner.
Mr. Rinzin Dorji, Chief Forestry Officer/Park Manager, Department of Forests and Park Services, Bhutan reiterated that the TPE report was very timely and informative to guide local conservationists in integrating protected area conservation plans. He finally called for international communities to better support the work with local communities.
A screen capture showing speakers and panelists
This report is the first comprehensive assessment of environmental changes in the Third Pole that aims to present the latest knowledge on climate, freshwater bodies, ecosystems and biodiversity, and human impact on the environment. It was produced by UNEP in collaboration with the UNEP-IEMP, the Third Pole Environment, and the Pan-Third Pole Environment and supported by the Second Tibetan Plateau Scientific Expedition and Research project, ICIMOD, and ITPCAS.
The full report and its Executive Summary in 6 UN languages are accessible at:https://www.unep.org/resources/report/scientific-assessment-third-pole-environment.
Related news release:
UNEP Event,https://www.unep.org/events/unep-event/launch-event-scientific-assessment-third-pole-environment
UNEP Story,https://www.unep.org/news-and-stories/story/new-report-highlights-risk-global-warming-third-pole
Guangming Daily,https://news.gmw.cn/2022-04/29/content_35698730.htm
Guangming Daily APP,https://app.gmdaily.cn/as/opened/n/bcfacecba2ee4afab4646b365e710b67
Chinese Academy of Sciences,https://www.cas.cn/cm/202204/t20220429_4833327.shtml
China Development Gateway (CnDG),http://cn.chinagate.cn/environment/2022-04/29/content_78193828.htm
China News,https://www.chinanews.com.cn/gn/2022/04-28/9742332.shtml
China News APP,https://m.chinanews.com/wap/detail/chs/zw/9742332.shtml
Science and Technology Daily,http://www.stdaily.com/index/kejixinwen/202204/2bb7e2b88c894523ba24b52578f81da6.shtml
China Environment News,https://res.cenews.com.cn/h5/news.html?id=971666
World Environment,https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/93QUfIS5uoX6tBM1Sk72Rg
Economic Daily News APP,https://proapi.jingjiribao.cn/detail.html?id=399989
China Youth Daily APP,https://s.cyol.com/articles/2022-04/29/content_Dl7ERdIL.html?gid=2V1Qqd1E
Wenhui APP,http://wenhui.whb.cn/zhuzhanapp/kjwz/20220428/463580.html
Beijing Daily,https://bj.bjd.com.cn/5b165687a010550e5ddc0e6a/contentShare/5b16573ae4b02a9fe2d558f9/AP626a920de4b053b14abea081.html
Beijing New APP,https://m.bjnews.com.cn/detail/165114186614550.html
27 April 2022|News
The 1stmeeting of the project steering committee of the "Improving Ecosystem Management for Sustainable Livelihoods in Cambodia and China within the Framework ofLancang-Mekong Cooperation Project", financed by the UNEP-China Trust Fund Phase 2, was organized virtually on 26 April 2022. It was participated by the steering committee members from Ministry of Environment (Cambodia), Department of Ecology and Environment of Yunnan Province (China), UNEP Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP ROAP), UNEP-International Ecosystem Management Partnership (UNEP-IEMP),Lancang-Mekong Environmental Cooperation Center (LMEC), and Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) with donor representative from the Foreign Environmental Cooperation Center (China) as observer.
This 1ststeering committee meeting had an overall objective to obtain strategic guidanceof project implementation progress and recommendations to the project team and implementing partners on the project activities. The project implementation team (consisting of UNEP ROAP, UNEP-IEMP and LMEC) as well as the extended partners from Cambodia andChina,gave presentation about the project overview, work plan, budget, progress so far, next steps and challenges. Ms. TatiroseVijitpan, Focal Point of the Greater Mekong Sub-region Portfolio, gave presentation from UNEP-IEMP, particularly in relation to the pilot activities on ecosystem management and sustainable livelihoods at the PhnomKulenNational Park in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment of Cambodia.
Afterwards, the steering committee members and observer provided their valuable feedback. Dr.LinxiuZhang, Director of UNEP-IEMP as part of the project steering committee, congratulated the teamfor the overall fast moving of the project implementation andparticularly expressedappreciationto thecolleagues from Cambodiafor the patience, collaboration and willingness to accommodate the shortened duration of the project. Everyone is dedicated and committed to implement the project.However,she alsoencouragedthe team’s efforts to accelerate the progress and make it a successwithin the rest of project duration and underthechallenges,including the COVID-19.Her remarks ended with UNEP-IEMP’s support onmobilingexperts from China and beyond for knowledge transfer and capacity building for Cambodia. This is a way for South-South cooperation on ecosystem managementandUNEP-IEMP wouldexplore options to further sustain the South-South cooperation in future collaboration.
At the end of the meeting, it was agreed that a written progress would be submitted to the steering committee for guidance and recommendations at the end of June. The 2ndsteering committee meetingwill beorganizedin the latter half of 2022.
27 April 2022|News
Organized by the Foreign Environmental Cooperation Center/Lancang-Mekong Environmental Cooperation Center under the guidance of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China, this roundtable dialogue aimed to strengthen Lancang-Mekong countries’ policy exchange aswell as the mainstreaming of sustainable infrastructure policies and investments to facilitate theimplementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The roundtable dialoguewould also help develop the Lancang-Mekong Knowledge Hub for Low-carbon, Green andSustainable Infrastructure and promote low-carbon development in the Lancang-Mekongregion. It was participated by more than 100 participants from the governments of the Lancang-Mekong countries, UN agencies, international organisations, private sector and academia.
Ms. Tatirose Vijitpan, Focal Point of the Greater Mekong Sub-region Portfolio, gave presentation under "Session 2: Ecological Infrastructure Supports CommunitySustainable Development in the Lancang-Mekong Region". Her presentation titled"Regional Perspectivesand Actions on the Ground: Integrated Ecosystem Management for Sustainable Livelihoods", gave the regional view of the significant issues in the region related to ecosystem management and sustainable livelihoods that UNEP-IEMP have been contributing to address. Particularly, it highlights the ongoing"Improving Ecosystem Management for Sustainable Livelihoods in Cambodia and China within the Framework of Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Project", financed by the UNEP-China Trust Fund Phase 2, that UNEP-IEMP is in charge of knowledge generation, capacity building, and – in collaboration with Ministry of Environment, Cambodia – pilot activities in Phnom Kulen National Park, Siem Reap province.
Lancang-Mekong Roundtable Dialogue on Green, Low Carbon and Sustainable Infrastructure was held online
06 April 2022|News
Ecosystem-based Adaptation through South-South Cooperation (EbA South, 2013-2020) has been selected by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) to present its story, successes and lessons learned as aGood Practice Briefof GEF-funded project. The GEF secretariat has selected it from several nominations by various GEF agencies, taking into consideration approaches used to generate multiple global environmental benefits and co-benefits, and to achieve clear results and/or sustainability. This is also the first GEF brief ever written onEcosystem-based Adaptation (EbA).
The project was funded by the GEF Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF) as a flagship initiative for South-South Cooperation, enabling an exchange of technology transfer, capacity building, policy support and fundraising between countries in the Global South. The project catalyzed global and regional collaboration on EbA, especially sharing China’s experience and research know-how in ecological restoration and climate change adaptation. Nature-based solutions for climate adaptation were piloted in key vulnerable ecosystems, i.e. deserts in Mauritania, mountains in Nepal, and coasts in the Seychelles. Moreover, the project has brought about positive impacts with legacy in the pilot countries and beyond, including Mekong EbA South.
This Good Practice Briefshares EbA South`s invaluable experiences on the two key features, namely EbA interventions for technology transfer and long-term research, and South-South Cooperation for knowledge exchange and capacity building. It also captures EbA South’s lessons on science-based interventions, adaptive management, documentation of EbA interventions, and professional interpreters for cross-culture learning.
As a next step, theGEF secretariat is planning for a webinar to introduce the features and lessons learned from EbASouth to other countries and GEF agencies for their future and ongoing projects.
UNEP-IEMP, as the project management unit, would like to thank our project team, steering committee and partners for all the dedication from the beginning till the end of project, plus follow-up activities and initiatives derived from the EbA South. We are also very appreciative of the GEF secretariat’s recognition of its success.
24 March 2022|News
The online kickoff meeting for the UNEP-NSFC Joint Research Project "Optimization and adoption decision-making of agricultural management practices for mitigating N2O emissions in upland farming systems in China and Kenya" was held on 18 March, 2022, signifying the official launch of the five-year project. Led by chief investigators Prof. Yong Li of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IAP, CAS) and Mr. Mahesh Pradhan of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the project brings together researchers from the Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP, CAS), the Institute of Subtropical Agriculture (ISA, CAS), the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research (IGSNRR, CAS), UNEP, and the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI, CGIAR).
This collaboration is intended to strengthen the existing research network between CAS and UNEP, use global databases of N2O emissions from upland farming systems to systematically study the key impact factors, mitigating tactics, and climate-smart N2O mitigating practices, and develop feasible N2O mitigating solutions as well as adoption decision-making in Africa and China. Key results will contribute to more sustainable N management practices (UNEA Resolution 4/14) and Goal 13 (Climate Action) of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
During the meeting, Prof. Yong Li and Mr. Mahesh Pradhan gave brief overviews of the research background and stressed the importance of collaboration among the research teams. A preliminary timetable for the main activities was also discussed.
08 February 2022|News
On 28 January 2022, UNEP-IEMP participated in the 1stExtended Partners' Meeting of the "Improving Ecosystem Management for Sustainable Livelihoods in Cambodia and China within the Framework of Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Project", financed by the UNEP-China Trust Fund Phase 2.
This project is jointly implemented by UNEP-IEMP, UNEP Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, UNEP headquarters (Ecosystems Division) and Lancang-Mekong Environmental Cooperation Centre (LMEC). Under this project, UNEP-IEMP is in charge of the regional activities related to knowledge generation and capacity building. Besides, UNEP-IEMP collaborates with the Ministry of Environment, Government of Cambodia, in piloting of ecosystem management and local livelihoods improvement interventions at the Phnom Kulen National Park, along with associated consultation and capacity building activities.
1stExtended Partners' Meeting was held online
The meeting was the first gathering of all the project’s core teams and extended partners from Cambodia and China to present their plan and progress so far, as well as to discuss the synergies and next steps. Ms. Tatirose Vijitpan, Focal Point of the Greater Mekong Sub-region Portfolio, gave presentation on the activities implemented by UNEP-IEMP and linkages with activities of other teams.
13 December 2021|News
On the afternoon of 10 December 2021, a closing workshop of the project on "Assessment and Adaptive Management of Habitats for Siberian Cranes in the Yellow River Delta" was held online. The project team of UNEP-IEMP and experts from research institutes of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Forestry Sciences, Beijing Forestry University and Shandong Yellow River Delta National Nature Reserve Management Committee attended the meeting. Su Baogan, Director of Dongying Foreign Affairs Office facilitated the meeting.
Dr. Chao Fu, Head of UNEP-IEMP’s Research Unit, introduced the project activities and achievements made so far. Since August 2020, the project team conducted literature review, field investigation, interpretation of remote sensing images, and household interviews to analyze the behaviors and awareness of the residents for the conservation of birds in the Yellow River delta, evaluate the current situation of habitats for Siberian Cranes in the Delta, zone the habitats in the Yellow River Delta National Nature Reserve preliminarily, and point out the issues that need attention in the future study. The study report prepared by the project team provides a management strategy and suggestions on how to improve the monitoring and investigation system on birds and wetlands in the Reserve, improve the habitat quality and resilience of important habitats for Siberian Cranes, and strengthen the communication and contact between the Reserve and surrounding communities.
A panel of experts reviewed and made comments on the study report. They agreed on that through the analysis of field survey data, the report confirms a significant increase in the number of Siberian Cranes in recent years and mapped their distribution area in the Reserve, which provides reference for subsequent monitoring and conservation. The preliminary zoning of habitats for Siberian Cranes in the Reserve can be also used as a reference for habitat restoration and management in the future. The analysis of the relationship between residents’ livelihood activities and bird conservation provides a new perspective for strengthening the balance between conservation and development. The proposed management strategy and suggestions will provide support for improving wetland ecosystem functions, promoting biodiversity conservation, and building the Yellow River Estuary National Park.
Dr. Linxiu Zhang, Director of UNEP-IEMP, stressed that the project provides a foundation for future research and conservation work and looks forward to working with partners to promote the project as a successful example and epitome of biodiversity conservation in the Yellow River Delta.
Experts, project team and other stakeholdes participated the online workshop
03 November 2021|News
UNEP-IEMP compiled "BRI Case Studies Report on Biodiversity Conservation" was released during the Roundtable on BRI Green Development and BRIGC Policy Studies Release 2021 on Oct. 26, 2021.
This Roundtable event was co-hosted by Ministry of Ecology and Environment of P. R. China, and Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment of Singapore, and organized by BRI International Green Development Coalition. The Roundtable event was opened by Mr. Huang Runqiu, Minister of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of P. R. China, and Ms. Grace Fu, Minister of the Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment of Singapore. Dr Linxiu Zhang presented the report at the Roundtable.
The "BRI Case Studies Report on Biodiversity Conservation" was led by UNEP-IEMP and funded by Ministry of Ecology and Environment of P. R. China, and supported by partners including WWF, Conservation International, International Union for Conservation of Nature. Through extensive review on global database, 12 cases were selected which include the China Ecological Conservation Red-line policy, conservation corridors of the Greater Mekong Subregion, ecological restoration of the African Great Green Wall, blue carbon insurance and ecological compensation in coastal countries like the Philippines, deforestation-free supply chain in Gabon, organic agriculture in Laos, genetic resources sharing and women empowerment in China and other countries, climate change adaptation in the Loess Plateau Region of China, and ecological poverty reduction in the Karst area of Southwest China. These cases were analyzed towards achieving better co-benefits, partnership inclusiveness, sustainability and transferability, and political buy-in.
Dr.Linxiu Zhang presenting the report
For more about the report, please refer to